OkhttpClient.Java OkHttp的总管理类
@get:JvmName("dispatcher") val dispatcher: Dispatcher = builder.dispatcher
//连接池 内部维护了一批连接,每次请求会查看连接池中是否已有,没有再创建新连接,使用过的连接也会进入连接池,池内连接根据配置回收或继续存储,用完的连接可以重用,正在使用的也可以(http2多路复用)
@get:JvmName("connectionPool") val connectionPool: ConnectionPool = builder.connectionPoo
* Returns an immutable list of interceptors that observe the full span of each call: from before
* the connection is established (if any) until after the response source is selected (either the
* origin server, cache, or both).
@get:JvmName("interceptors") val interceptors: List<Interceptor> =
* Returns an immutable list of interceptors that observe a single network request and response.
* These interceptors must call [Interceptor.Chain.proceed] exactly once: it is an error for
* a network interceptor to short-circuit or repeat a network request.
@get:JvmName("networkInterceptors") val networkInterceptors: List<Interceptor> =
@get:JvmName("eventListenerFactory") val eventListenerFactory: EventListener.Factory =
@get:JvmName("retryOnConnectionFailure") val retryOnConnectionFailure: Boolean =
//具体实例9.2 9:57,用于token过期,刷新后重发请求
@get:JvmName("authenticator") val authenticator: Authenticator = builder.authenticator
@get:JvmName("followRedirects") val followRedirects: Boolean = builder.followRedirects
@get:JvmName("followSslRedirects") val followSslRedirects: Boolean = builder.followSslRedirects
@get:JvmName("cookieJar") val cookieJar: CookieJar = builder.cookieJar
@get:JvmName("cache") val cache: Cache? = builder.cache
//domain name system,这是一个Java原生方法,可以解析域名
@get:JvmName("dns") val dns: Dns = builder.dns
@get:JvmName("proxy") val proxy: Proxy? = builder.proxy
@get:JvmName("proxySelector") val proxySelector: ProxySelector =
when {
// Defer calls to ProxySelector.getDefault() because it can throw a SecurityException.
builder.proxy != null -> NullProxySelector
else -> builder.proxySelector ?: ProxySelector.getDefault() ?: NullProxySelector
@get:JvmName("proxyAuthenticator") val proxyAuthenticator: Authenticator =
@get:JvmName("socketFactory") val socketFactory: SocketFactory = builder.socketFactory
private val sslSocketFactoryOrNull: SSLSocketFactory?
@get:JvmName("sslSocketFactory") val sslSocketFactory: SSLSocketFactory
get() = sslSocketFactoryOrNull ?: throw IllegalStateException("CLEARTEXT-only client")
// 验证ssl证书的类,x509是证书格式
@get:JvmName("x509TrustManager") val x509TrustManager: X509TrustManager?
@get:JvmName("connectionSpecs") val connectionSpecs: List<ConnectionSpec> =
@get:JvmName("protocols") val protocols: List<Protocol> = builder.protocols
@get:JvmName("hostnameVerifier") val hostnameVerifier: HostnameVerifier = builder.hostnameVerifier
@get:JvmName("certificatePinner") val certificatePinner: CertificatePinner
@get:JvmName("certificateChainCleaner") val certificateChainCleaner: CertificateChainCleaner?
* Default call timeout (in milliseconds). By default there is no timeout for complete calls, but
* there is for the connect, write, and read actions within a call.
val callTimeoutMillis: Int = builder.callTimeou
/** Default connect timeout (in milliseconds). The default is 10 seconds. */
val connectTimeoutMillis: Int = builder.connectTimeou
/** Default read timeout (in milliseconds). The default is 10 seconds. */
val readTimeoutMillis: Int = builder.readTimeou
/** Default write timeout (in milliseconds). The default is 10 seconds. */
val writeTimeoutMillis: Int = builder.writeTimeou
/**心跳间隔 Web socket and HTTP/2 ping interval (in milliseconds). By default pings are not sent. */
val pingIntervalMillis: Int = builder.pingInterva
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